Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Angel Day Number Three

Today marks Harry's third Angel Day. Unbelievable. It feels like time has folded and we very quickly got from there to here.

It is another lovely August 3 in Winnipeg. Hot and sunny, though it did rain mid-day. Sebastien is sleeping and Lydia is waiting to go to the wading pool. In some ways our life isn't much different from three years ago. Though of course it is entirely different.

We are entering uncharted territory. Sebastien passed his 16 months birthday on July 25. I didn't realize until the day passed how much stress I was holding over this milestone. He is now officially older than Harry ever was. He can walk and is learning to talk, he can feed himself and climb up and down a slide and almost climb out of his crib too. He is a bundle of joy. He is so like his brother.

We want to do something for the kids today to mark this milestone - go to a park, play in the pool, enjoy our beautiful neighbourhood - the places that Harry loved.

We have come far, though our hearts still ache for Harry. We try our best to live in a spirit of positive hope and love in his honour.

We miss you Angel Harry. We love you.

Love and hugs and rainbows,
Mum mum mum.

1 comment:

Krista and Carl said...

Thinking of you,