Thursday, February 10, 2011


Every now and then I wonder, did I just imagine all those rainbows I saw after Harry passed over?

Then, out of the blue, he sends me another rainbow, just to say hi.

This afternoon, Lydia stayed home from school so she could get ready for her big, "Father-Daugher Prostate Cancer Fundraiser Ball" at the Hotel Fort Garry. Girls attending the ball were offered free hair styles and manicures at a downtown hair salon. We went at 1:30 to the salon, girls were offered 'mocktails' and lovely cupcakes! Lydia had her hair done in lovely curls. It looked so beautiful! And her nails were painted a dark blue with extra sparkles. It was just so hard to believe that this beautiful little creature could possibly be my little girl!

We were back home to get Seb down for a nap around 2:30 - unfortunately he only napped for about 30 minutes. Well, by 4:00 we started getting Lydia dressed and ready. I was talking some pictures of her before we left, some in the dining room. Then I said, "Lydia, go stand by the big mirror in the hall so I can get a shot of you beside it". As she stood by the mirror, suddenly, her head was surrounded by a halo of 3 or 4 rainbows. I don't know what was causing them - we don't have any crystals in the window downstairs and I don't usually see them. Lydia and I both exclaimed at the same time, "Harry!"

It was Harry, telling his big sister just how beautiful she looked for her first fancy ball, wishing her a wonderful evening, telling her he is thinking of her.

Lydia said, "Hello little brother, oh you are so sweet, I have the sweetest little brothers!"

It was so sweet of Harry to come and let us know he is still watching and keeping an eye on his big sister!



Leigh said...

Cynthia that just brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait to see some pictures of Lydia all done up. I want someone to do my hair and nails for me :)

JRechsteiner said...

Yup, tears in my eyes too. She looked beautiful in those pictures you posted on FB!

Did I ever tell you about the butterfly? I think it was last summer, Sienna said one day that she wished a butterfly would come and land on her finger and I remember saying "well, that's pretty unlikely, usually butterflies are afraid of people." A few days later we were walking down the street and a butterfly came flying up to her, fluttered around her head, landed on her hand for a few seconds, fluttered around her a bit more and then flew off. I'm not saying it was Harry, but clearly someone was listening.

Wendy de Roo said...

Hi everybody,

A few months ago I came across your blog when I was searching for information about the Rhabdoïd. My little girl Kylie was diagnosed with this form of cancer.
Sadly she also lost this battle at the age of 23 months old.

I want to wish you all the best and love and I hope you can enjoy your new little boy.

Love from the Netherlands,

Wendy de Roo